Search interface

Launch of new Search Interface

The JVAP Follow-up (JVAP FU) IT Tools have recently undergone further improvements and redevelopments, and we are excited to announce the launch of a new Search Interface for our JVAP Partners.

The new Search Interface is located within the Data Visualisation Tool (DVT), and allows users to search and extract initiatives which are stored in the JVAP Database using one or multiple filters. The new Search Interface makes the searching and extracting of initiatives much simpler and quicker. It also enables more complicated searches – such as those covering multiple domains and priorities – to be done in the same search.

The DVT itself enables users to visualise and analyse the data contained in the JVAP Database in the form of interactive graphs, tables and maps. It also contains all visual reports created by, and presentations conducted by, the JVAP Follow-up Support Team since 2020.

The JVAP FU IT Tools are available to all JVAP Partners to support them in analysing implementation progress against the JVAP.